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 RAM's Microbial Assisted Water-
 flood at the Plawowice Oilfield
 near Krakow, Poland is into its
 8th year of continuous operation.
 RAM provided microbial materials,
 protocols for laboratory testing,
 microbial system scale-up and
 field application, and we assisted
 with project design, development
 and implementation.
See: Systematic Approach

 Cumulative production > 150%
 greater than projected decline.
 15,700 metric tons / 116,180 bbls
 of additional oil produced.
 No production problems reported.

RAM Biochemicals presents two novel technologies at GEOPETROL 2022
International Scientific & Technical Conference

Copeland Remote Sensing Presentatiion

A unique, proprietary, and proven remote sensing technology that locates oil & gas currently in place to quickly and accurately evaluate the potential of oil & gas recovery projects.

No other remote sensing technology we know of can match its capabilities to locate oil and gas in real time, eliminate drilling dry holes and very low producers, determine which wells are good candidates for recompletion, and serve as an effective tool for waterflood design and management.

Bubble Enhanced Vortex Clarification Presentation

Bubble Enhanced Vortex Clarification (BEVC) technology treates produced water form oil & gas production and contaminated water from other point sources by combing the removal of solid particles and emulsified oil using enhanced bubble flotation with oxidation that disinfects, precipitates heavy metals, eliminates hydrogen sulfide, reduces BOD and COD, and removes scaling salts all in one tank. The BEVC System has the smallest footprint and operates at the lowest possible cost.

RAM Biochemicals takes a Systematic Approach to
MEOR project Development

Systematic Approach Presentation

Key decision points are identified at critical steps throughout the project development process. This enables stakeholders [oil companies, producers and investors] to make informed go / no-go decisions before proceeding to the next step.   This capability reduces uncertainty and minimizes risk keeping MEOR project costs low while helping ensure the project's technical and economic viability. It is worth noting that the majority of commercial MEOR companies have adopted a similar tact with regard to implementing their respective MEOR technologies.

The ultimate goal of any EOR / MEOR project should be to economically produce a significant volume of stranded oil with minimal environmental impact.   Some EOR techniques, notably miscible gas and ASP floods, are capable of producing a large volume of stranded oil.   However, infrastructure and daily operational costs for these EOR techniques is relatively high, bringing their economic viability into question.

Oil companies, producers and investors with mature fields who are truly interested in sustainable, long-term increases in production of 30% and more should investigate MEOR using a systematic approach to project development.

Multiple tax advantages  at the local, state and Federal level may be applicable to qualified enhanced recovery projects.  This creates additional incentives for independent and major oil producers to consider a lease management approach the includes proven Microbial EOR products and technologies.

RAM Biochemicals strives to follow in the footsteps of the early pioneers in MEOR and establish a new benchmark
in microbial enhanced oil recovery.

The standard for traditional waterflooding is ±15%
additional oil produced.   Microbial enhanced waterflooding has demonstrated the capability to boost oil recovery an additional 30% to 40% and more.


Current Field Projects

MEOR Presentations

IPTC 2014 Presentation

Proof of Concept
Microbial Assisted Waterflood
Project Proves Cost Effective
At Small Scale

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RAM Biochemicals, Inc.
RAM's trademark logo, and the tradenames Wel-Prep 5™ B-19™ Pak-Soil™ Drain-Sweet™ and Bite-em-Back™ are owned by
RAM Biochemicals, Inc.
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